Call for an appointment


What makes Interstate Veterinary Clinic Unique?

We operate a small vet clinic in Mandan, ND. Our goal is to provide excellent personal service and experiences for both the pet and owner.

CALL 701-663-4337



IVC offers the following for Large Animal work/services:

Bovine herd work including:

  • pregnancy checking
  • pregnancy ultrasound
  • nutrition consulting
  • breeding soundness
  • exams
  • seasonal emergency calving

IVC offers the following for SMALL Animal work/services:

  • routine Wellness care for all ages 
  • vaccinations 
  • micro-chipping with Home Again microchips 
  • routine surgery and dental care 
  • in-house laboratory and x-ray 
  • nutritional consults for all ages of life featuring Hill's Science Diet 
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